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Allgemein ZauberSpell
💀Unverzeihlicher FluchForbidden

Anmerkung: Alle Tränke sind in Liechtenstein Artefakte oder Mineralien.

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Stufe 1


  • Entsperrungszauber
  • Charm
  • Touch a non-magical lock with your wand. It unlocks.
  • Backfire. Instead of just unlocking, the lock loudly breaks and detaches completely from what it was guarding.

Finite Incantatem

  • Gegenzauber
  • Counter-Spell
  • You end the effects of a spell created by a wizard. This spell can be cast quickly to end a spell the instant it is cast, preventing its effects from occurring; to do so, you use the short form �inite and must succeed on a Quick Draw check.
  • Backfire. A burst of magical energy, released as a result of the target spell being cancelled, knocks everyone within the vicinity backwards with the force of a hard shove.

Limax Vomite

  • Schlug Schnecken – Kotzfluch
  • Hex
  • You force a human to vomit a slug. The target vomits another slug every 10-20 minutes for the next few hours.
  • Backfire. You vomit slugs instead.

Wingardium Leviosa

  • Wingardium Leviosa – Schweben
  • Charm
  • You levitate a small object for one minute. You can control the object's movement through the air.
  • Backfire. The object levitates uncontrollably higher and higher.


  • Calvario – Haarausfallfluch
  • Colovaria – Farbwechselzauber
  • Diminuendo – Schrumpfzauber
  • Locomotor Mortis – Beinklammerfluch
  • Lumos – Lichtzauber
  • Periculum – Funkenzauber
  • Petrificus Totalus – Ganzkörperklammerfluch
  • Elasto – Weichmachzauber
  • Tergeo – Reinigungszauber
  • Ventus – Wirbelwind-Hexung


  • Plappertrank
  • Beruhigungstrank
  • Hustentrank
  • Schrumpftrank

Stufe 2


  • Entwaffnungszauber
  • Counter-Spell
  • A wizard's wand �lies out of their grip. This spell can be cast quickly to prevent another wizard from completing the casting of a spell; to do so, you must succeed on a Quick Draw check.
  • Backfire. The target is also knocked backwards with the force of a hard shove. You can choose to let this back�ire effect happen without rolling.


  • magische Kennzeichnung (flamm. Kreuz)
  • Charm
  • You leave a �iery mark on an object that leaves a burn in the shape you have drawn.
  • Backfire. The object catches �ire.


  • Trans�iguration
  • A small, lukewarm jet of �lame erupts from the tip of your wand for a few seconds.
  • Backfire. The jet of �lame lasts for a full minute and can't be stopped.


  • Schildzauber
  • Counter-Spell
  • You create a magical shield that re�lects jinxes, hexes, and curses back at their caster, making them the target of the spell instead of you. The shield lasts for one minute or until it is hit with a jinx, hex, or curse. This spell can be cast quickly in response to a wizard casting a jinx, hex, or curse, shielding yourself immediately; to do so, you must succeed on a Quick Draw check.
  • Backfire. The new target of the spell is randomly determined.


  • Reparaturzauber
  • Charm
  • You mend a small object. If constituent pieces have broken off, they �ly back together and reform.
  • Backfire. The object is mended incorrectly and takes on a different form or function.


  • Kitzel-Hexung
  • Jinx
  • A human becomes overwhelmed as though they were being violently tickled.
  • Backfire. You also feel as though you are being violently tickled.


  • Schlangenbeschwörungszauber
  • Trans�iguration
  • You conjure a small non-poisonous snake that slithers from the tip of your wand.
  • Backfire. You conjure a dozen snakes, one after the other.


  • Epoximise – Bindungszauber
  • Fumos – Rauch-Zauber
  • Incendio – Feuerzauber
  • Mucus ad Nauseam – Erkältungsfluch
  • Obscuro – Erblindungszauber
  • Steleus – Nieß-Hexung
  • Titillando – Kitzel-Hexung


  • Alterungstrank
  • Verschönerungstrank
  • Schluckauftrank
  • Alraunen-Trank - Entsteinigungstrank
  • Murtlap Essenz – schmerzlindernd

Stufe 3


  • Anschwell-Hexung
  • Trans�iguration
  • You increase the size of an object or animal, up to double its normal size.
  • Backfire. The target increases ten times its normal size.


  • Bandagierungszauber
  • Healing
  • You set a human or animal's broken bone with a magically-conjured bandage and splint.
  • Backfire. The bandage and splint are applied improperly and must be �ixed by hand.


  • Blumenstraußbeschwörung
  • Trans�iguration
  • A bouquet of beautiful, pleasantly fragrant �lowers bursts forth from the tip of your wand.
  • Backfire. The �lowers are ugly and smell bad.

Prior Incantato

  • zeigt letzten genutzten Zauber
  • Counter-Spell
  • You target a wizard's wand. A shadowy echo of the last spell cast from that wand emanates from its tip.
  • Backfire. A spell randomly chosen from further back in its history appears instead.


  • Irrwicht Abwehr Zauber
  • Charm
  • You compel a boggart to take the form of something you are concentrating on.
  • Backfire. The boggart instead takes the form of your greatest fear.


  • Anteoculatia – Geweih-Wachs-Hexung
  • Colloshoo – Festkleb-Hexung
  • Herbivicus – Pflanzenwachstum
  • Illegibilus – Buchstabensalat-Zauber
  • Impervius – Macht Gegenstände wasserabweisend
  • Mimble Wimble – Zungenknoten Fluch
  • Reparifarge – Rückverwandlungs-Zauber
  • Tarantallegra – Tanz-Hexung


  • Abschwell Trank
  • Pepperup Trank – Erkältungslösung
  • Unctuous Unction – Freundschaftstrank
  • Schlaftrank
  • Anschwelltrank

Stufe 4


  • Charm
  • Herbeirufzauber
  • Speak the name of an object within 100 metres of you. It flies safely into your hands.
  • Backfire. The object misses you and flies off uncontrollably in a random direction.


  • Vogelbeschwörungszauber
  • Trans�iguration
  • A �lock of white doves erupts from the tip of your wand.
  • Backfire. Hundreds of white feathers erupt from your wand instead.


  • Zahnwuchs-Hexung
  • Hex
  • You cause a human or animal's teeth to grow too large to �it comfortably in their mouth.
  • Backfire. The target's teeth grow sharp and pointy, good for biting.


  • Heilzauber (kl.)
  • Healing
  • A human or animal's minor injury is healed. The target feels the location of injury go very hot and then very cold.
  • Backfire. The target is caused great pain while they are being healed.


  • Furunkel-Hexung
  • Curse
  • A human receives 1-2 painful, blistering boils that go away after a minute.
  • Backfire. The target receives 100-200 boils, but they're painless.

Impedimenta Forte

  • Lähm-Hexung
  • Curse
  • You stop a human or animal from moving entirely for one hour, freezing them in place or otherwise restraining them. The nature that the spell takes to prevent the target from moving is determined by the GM.
  • Backfire. You are also frozen in place.


  • Gegenzauber zu Sonorus
  • Counter-Spell
  • A human's magically-magni�ied voice is reduced to its normal volume.
  • Backfire. You completely remove their ability to talk for 1 minute.


  • Auflösungszauber
  • Curse
  • You disintegrate a small object, or burn a human-sized hole in a large object.
  • Backfire. You are knocked backwards by the sudden burst of heat and energy.


  • Megafonzauber
  • Charm
  • You amplify a human's voice for one minute.
  • Backfire. The ampli�ication is painfully loud for anyone who can hear it.


  • Schockzauber
  • Hex
  • You knock a human unconscious for one minute.
  • Backfire. The target is only knocked unconscious for a few seconds.


  • Depulso – Verscheuchungszauber
  • Diffindo – Abtrennzauber
  • Incaercerous – Fesselzauber
  • Locomotor Wibbly – Gummibein-Hexung


  • Blemish Blitzer - Akne Trank
  • Feuerschutz-Trank
  • Laxative Trank
  • Stärkungs-Trank

Stufe 5


  • Erstickungslöser
  • Healing
  • You clear a human's airway if blocked.
  • Backfire. The target hyperventilates for a minute.


  • Verrieglungs-Zauber
  • Charm
  • You lock a door. A door locked in this way can't be unlocked with alohomora.
  • Backfire. No key will �it the lock. The lock has to be destroyed in order to open the door.


  • Verschwinde-Zauber
  • Charm
  • You vanish a small nonmagical object, which disappears into nothingness. The object can be recovered with the counter-spell appareo.
  • Backfire. The object reappears after a few seconds.

Expecto Patronum

  • Patronus Zauber
  • Charm
  • An incarnation of your innermost positive emotions bursts forth in a bright explosion of light from your wand, pushing back creatures of evil, such as dementors. The spell usually takes the form of a burst of light, but with suf�icient positive emotions, it can also take the form of a spirit animal, a patronus, unique to you. Furthermore, with one hundred percent of your positive energy poured forth into the spell, it explodes in a 50-metre sphere of pulsing magical light emanating from your patronus. Your GM determines the form that your patronus takes. Your patronus can also be used to travel long distances and deliver messages in your voice.
  • Backfire. Due to insuf�icient positive emotion, your wand makes a sad „mwah mwow“ noise instead.


  • Loslass-Hexung
  • Hex
  • You create a burst of hot sparks that causes a human to drop what they are holding. This spell can be cast quickly to prevent another wizard from completing the casting of a spell; to do so, you must succeed on a Quick Draw check.
  • Backfire. The sparks cause everyone within 10 metres of you to drop what they're holding.


  • Schweigezauber
  • Charm
  • You silence an object, animal, or human for one minute. This can be cast to quickly prevent a wizard from uttering an incantation; to do so, you must succeed on a Quick Draw check.
  • Backfire. You are silenced instead.

Repello Muggletum

  • Muggel-Abwehrzauber
  • Charm
  • You enchant a building or room to repel muggles for 7 days. Muggles �ind themselves unable to perceive the room or building with their normal senses and feel magically compelled to leave if they stumble inside. They retain no memory of the place.
  • Backfire. The target repels both muggles and wizards.

Specialus Revelio

  • Enthüllungs-Zauber (magische Objekte)
  • Counter-Spell
  • You force an object to reveal its magical properties, which emanate from the object as a shadowy echo. If the object is a potion, its ingredients are also revealed.
  • Backfire. A random unrelated magical effect is revealed instead.


  • Aperio – Öffnungs-Zauber
  • Cantis – Sing Hexung
  • Oppugno – Angriff durch kleine Lebewesen
  • Protego Totalum – Schild-Areal-Zauber
  • Vulnera Sanentur - Heilzauber (gr.)


  • Amortentia – Liebestrank
  • Rauschtrank
  • Diptam Essenz– Heil-Essenz
  • Anti-Liebes-Trank
  • Gripsschärfungs-Trank

Stufe 6


  • Wasserbeschwörungszauber
  • Trans�iguration
  • A jet of water erupts from your wand for a few seconds. The jet is not of suf�icient pressure to be harmful.
  • Backfire. The jet of water lasts for a full minute and can't be stopped.


  • Teleportations-Zauber
  • Charm
  • You magically teleport to a location known to you. The process creates a loud bang and is quite unpleasant for you and everyone around you.
  • Backfire. You teleport to a random location within 100 miles of your original location.


  • Verwirrungszauber
  • Jinx
  • You cause a human to become dazed and confused for one minute.
  • Backfire. The target becomes ornery and frustrated instead.


  • Sprengzauber
  • Hex
  • You create a violent downward pressure on an object.
  • Backfire. Every other object within 10 metres of it also buckles and collapses.

Homenum Revelio

  • Enthüllungszauber
  • Charm
  • Your wand pulls you gently towards the nearest human to you, allowing you to detect the location of hidden people.
  • Backfire. The wand points to you, technically the closest human to it.


  • Ebublio – Beschwörung kleiner Blasen
  • Emendo – Knochenheilung
  • Flipendo – Weiche-Zurück-Hexung
  • Gemino – Verdopplungszauber
  • Langlock – klebt Zunge am Gaumen fest (Verstummung)
  • Melofors – Kürbis-Kopf-Hexung
  • Muffliato – Störgräusche-Zauber
  • Pullus – Verwandelt Kreaturen in Hühner


  • Trank der lebenden Toten
  • Garottengas – Erwürgungsgas
  • Stärkungstrank
  • Veritaserum – Wahrheitstrank
  • Veritaserum Gegenmittel

Stufe 7


  • Versteinerungszauber
  • Trans�iguration
  • You turn an object or animal to stone for one day. Damage incurred while turned to stone carries over to the target's original form.
  • Backfire. The target can move normally even while turned to stone.


  • Gedankenlesen
  • Curse
  • You reach into the mind of a human and pull out speci�ic memories, thoughts, or emotions for you to read.
  • Backfire. You are overwhelmed by the contents of their mind.


  • lässt Körper kopfüber in der Luft hängen
  • Hex
  • You �lip a human upside down and hang them aloft by their ankle for one minute. This spell cannot be resisted.
  • Backfire. You drop them on their head after a few seconds and the effects end.


  • löscht Erinnerungen aus dem Gedächtnis
  • Curse
  • You erase a human's memory of the past few days. Powerful wizards can extend the amount of memory that is erased.
  • Backfire. Your memory is erased instead.


  • Portschlüssel-Erschaffungs-Zauber
  • Charm
  • You imbue an object with the powers of a portkey. Portkeys can be found in the Objects of Power section.
  • Backfire. The object immediately activates, teleporting you instantly.


  • Baubillious – Blitzzauber
  • Confrigo – Explosionszauber
  • Fianto Duri – Verstärkung von Schutzzaubern
  • Homenum Revelio – Menschen-Enthüllungs-Zauber
  • Mutatio – Mutations Hexung
  • Redactum – Schrumpfzauber
  • Vermiculus – Verwandelt Dinge in Würmer


  • Blutbildender Trank
  • Euphorie Elixir
  • Felix Felicis – Glückstrank
  • Gedächtnisverlust-Trank
  • Vielsafttrank – Verwandlung
  • Skelle-Wachs – Knochenwachstums-Trank
zaubersprueche.1644239961.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/02/07 14:19 von kragenstein